Expert believes renewable energy could have positive impact on UK economyThe roll out of renewable energy technology and infrastructure could lead to opportunities for UK manufacturers, according to an industry body.

A spokesperson for The Renewable Energy said that, with more low-carbon innovations "being planned and implemented", employees will pick up new skills sets and the overall effect on the British economy will be positive.

However, she warned that it is critical for the UK to embrace renewables and make the transistion in order to capitalise on the potential profits that can be made in the sector.

This follows a report from the Offshore Valuation Group, consisting of political and industry leaders, which found that around 145,000 jobs could be created through harnessing wind, tidal and wave energy.

Furthermore, the energy equivalent in terms of electricity generated would be akin to one billion barrels of oil a year, which is the amount of fuel currently produced via North Sea oil and gas exploration.

By Cameron Thomson